- Download iperf-2.0.4.tar.gz into a directory and place the patch file (attached) in the same directory. - Unpack the source tarball: gtar xvfz iperf-2.0.4.tar.gz - Uncompress the patch file: gunzip iperf-2.0.4-pthreads-rt.patch - Enter the uncompressed source dir cd iperf-2.0.4 - Run the configure script making sure to specify GNU make be used rather than Solaris make: MAKE=gmake ./configure - Apple the patch to the configured source directories using GNU patch util rather than Solaris patch: gpatch -p1 < ../iperf-2.0.4-pthreads-rt.patch - Build the source with GNU make rather than Solaris make: gmake all Hopefully if all goes well, the compiled iperf util will be in the ./src directory.